Islamic Principles of Personal Finance
As people of faith there is one thing for certain; we will be questioned about everything of this life, both tangible and intangible alike, which has been entrusted to our care. It was authentically reported that the Prophet said, "the two feet of the son of Adam will not move from near his Lord on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about his life – how he spent it, about the knowledge he gained – how he used it, about his wealth – how he earned it and how he spent it, and about his body – how he wore it out."
In this Friday sermon series Abu Ibrahim John Starling addresses the pillars of financial morality and responsibility. Titles in this series include:
1. The Trial of Wealth
2. Live Within Your Means
3. Reduce Waste
4. Be Content with Less
5. Seek & Deal with Halal
6. Interest Free Living
7. Do Not Hoard but Sensibly Save
8. Charitable Investing
9. According to the Best You Give
10. Purify Your Wealth
11. Give a Goodly Loan
12. Only Borrow in Dire Need
This ZIP download contains 12 mp3 files of approximately 25-30 minutes each.